Welcome to Week 26: The Quick Start Game Plan
Making a move to a new brokerage is a big decision. A move that is not handled well can cost an agent a lot of money. With the ROOST™ Quick Start Game Plan an agent can expect to see an immediate bump in activity and incoming referrals.
In a perfect world, an experienced agent joining our company will be able to give us a few days lead time before moving their license. This time allows us to put everything in place an agent needs to make a huge impact in the market on day one.
Here are a few things we like to complete for you before you move your license:
- Order personalized yard signs, name slats, and business cards.
- Get your picture taken for your new ROOST™ webpage.
- Prep your launch letter to your database.
- Order your personalized About ROOST™ information cards.
- Update and export your database to your new Referral Maker CRM account.
- Prepare new listing contracts for your sellers.
- Set up your Agent Service and Technology Package accounts.
Our mission during launch week is to propel you forward in your career. We want to use this opportunity to boost your connection to your database and broadcast to the world that you are up, running, and open for business.
Here is some of what you can expect the day you transfer your license:
- Your announcement letter and About ROOST™ card will go out to your entire database.
- We will launch your ROOST™ webpage with your personal URL.
- We will pay to promote your new webpage on social media including Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn continuously over the next 30 days.
Here is what you can expect to be doing your first week with us:
- Reconnecting with past clients and customers you have not heard from in years.
- Accepting a tidal wave of referrals and being busier than you can ever remember.
- Wondering why you did not make this move earlier.
We know transferring to a new brokerage is a big deal. This is how we make sure it is the best possible move for your business.
See you next week!
– Shayna
For a free copy of the full book, A Real Estate Agents Guide to the Good Life, email FreeBook@ROOSTRealEstateCo.com and we will send you one. Or download a free e-book version here: www.CareerWithROOST.com